Veth primarily practice “Balance Method Acupuncture”. This system of treatment was developed by Dr. Richard Tan, with strong influences from Master Tung and Dr. Chao Chen’s I Ching Acupuncture.
It is a common misconception that acupuncture should be given to the affected area of a patient’s disease. This concept of “local” treatment is actually less effective and misses the magic of acupuncture theory. The body possesses a complex system of connections, primarily made of nerves and blood vessels. Acupuncture uses its meridian system to describe the functional organization of these connections to help relieve pain and improve bodily functions. As Dr. Tan famously tells his students, “the switch is not on the light”, meaning that the local area is not the ideal location for treatment.
The Balance Method uses distal acupuncture points on the arms and legs to treat all aspects of the body. So if you come to our clinic complaining about knee pain, the one place we won’t put a needle is in your injured knee. By choosing “remote control” acupuncture points, we can have the patient move the affected area during treatment to observe the clinical effects. Balance Method acupuncture is unique in its ability to obtain instantaneous results for pain. After insertion of the needles, most patients can immediately feel a decrease in pain level and improved range of motion.
The I Ching acupuncture system works by superimposing the trigrams of the ba gua (the solid and broken lines seen surrounding the Yin Yang symbol above) over each of the 12 regular meridians, and their primary points on the arms and legs. Needling these points alters the polarity of the point from a solid line to a broken line, or visa versa, much like a switch. Selection of the correct points balances the meridians, regulating pain and organ function.
Ba Gua |