Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Once you are comfortable, allow your eyes to
close and rest. Take a couple of full
deep breaths, and as you breathe in and out, let go of anything you feel in
your body, and just relax and center yourself.
Root Chakra
I am
secure, safe, and protected. I release
all feelings of lack. The universe is an
infinite source of supply and I live in abundant flow. All my needs are met. I am aligned with the stream of
well-being. I have a positive connection
to Gaia mother Earth. I am one with all
of life. I am grounded and centered in
my physical experience with the awareness that I am source energy. I am the divine creator of my existence.
Sacral Chakra
acknowledge all my emotions and feelings.
I listen to my emotional guidance system. I release addictions no longer serving me. My desires and appetites are perfectly aligned
and balanced. I honor my physical body
temple. I have healthy harmonious
relationships. I allow myself to
experience pleasure. I enjoy my
sexuality. I celebrate my creativity and
artistry. I am connected to my inner
source of inspiration.
I am the powerful creator of the life I want.
I release all self-limiting beliefs about myself. I am worthy because I exist. I honor, value, and respect myself. I set healthy boundaries. I am the only one who has the power to
approve me. I have freedom of choice and
I always choose what is best for me. I
am connected to my inner source of power.
I am confident and strong. I can
achieve anything I desire.
Heart Chakra
I am divine
love. I release old resentments and
hurts from the past. I forgive my self
and others. I let go of fears and
conditions around love. Love is
unconditional. I love my self and others
unconditionally. I trust in the goodness
of love. I am open to give and receive
love. My heart sings and my love
shines. Compassion and kindness flow
through me. I live in happiness, peace,
and joy. Love connects me to all that is.
Throat Chakra
I am truth, I live in truth, and I communicate my truth. I let go of any fears surrounding self-expression
and perfect communication now. I
honestly express my thoughts, feelings, and ideas with grace. I release gossip, lies, and substance abuse
from my life. I live in integrity and honor
my word. My communications are lovingly
guided by my Higher Self. I listen to my
Self and trust my inner voice.
Third Eye Chakra
I am
awake, conscious, and aware of my divine nature. I view life through an elevated perspective. Every situation is an opportunity to learn
and grow. I let go of all judgments. I see the best in myself and others. I cultivate wisdom and intelligence. I release all fears of the unknown. I am open to spiritual experiences. I trust my intuition and higher guidance. I am able to discern for my greatest good.
I am one with all that is. I am connected to the higher power. I trust in the divine love intelligence
governing the universe. I unfold into
cosmic consciousness. I am aware of
universal principles. I honor my self
and others as the extension of source energy.
I come forth to create my reality.
I thrive in spiritual practice. I
respect all spiritual paths. I live in a
state of bliss, beauty, and grace. I appreciate
all the good in my life. I am infinite possibilities. I am eternal spirit. I am self-realized God-Force
God-Essence. I Am That I Am.