Herbs and Supplements

Calcium: Keep bones strong and healthy: take 1200-1600 mg in the evening on an empty stomach
Magnesium: Relax muscles and nerves: take 600 mg with your calcium
CoQ10: Promote heart and muscular health: take 100 mg twice a day or 200 mg once a day with meals
Lipoic acid: Boost your antioxidant defense system: take 200-400 mg once or twice a day with meals
Omega 3 Fish oil:   Keep heart disease-free: take 2000-3000 mg with breakfast and lunch
B-complex with B 12:   Maintain a healthy nervous system: take one tablet with breakfast or lunch
Vitamin D3: Support strong bones, prevent autoimmune diseases: take 2,000-5,000 IU (depending on blood levels) take in the morning